Installing Kali Linux on AWS (Amazon Web Service) have so much benefits like we can use it on every devices and access it from anywhere without wasting our hardware resources.
We have a detailed tutorial on how we can install Kali Linux on AWS. But the tutorial doesn't install Kali Linux in graphical User Interface (GUI). That was a command line installation. In today's tutorial we learn how we can install Kali Linux on AWS with GUI.
Here we did not discussing about in installation process, we can read the detailed tutorial here.
With this command line Kali installation we got tightvnc server preinstalled.
Assume we are in the Kali Linux AWS terminal. Let's configure the password of our tightvnc server by using following command:
Then it will prompt for password. Here we can choose a password for our VNC server and verify it. When it asks for view-only password we type n and enter
Now we can't run the VNC server directly from here. We need to exit from the AWS Kali by using exit command:
Now we connect the AWS shh with port forwarding, without port forwarding the VNC server will not work. So the command will be following:-
In the above command 5901 is the port of our VNC server display port 1, if we use display port 2 then we need to choose 5902 port.
That command will open our Kali Linux hosted on Amazon Web Services with 5901 port opened. Then we run the tightvnc server by applying following command:
In the following screenshot we can see that our VNC server started on display port 1.
Now we need a VNC client or viewer to access the VNC server.
To download the VNC viewer we go to this website then we click on download to download the file. Then we go to our Downloads directory and open a terminal there or use following command:
Then we give root permission the script using following command:
Then we run the VNC Viewer using the following command:
Here we create a new connection using right click(CTRL+N).
Here our Kali is on our localhost so we put the localhost so we the localhost in the place of host name and the display port is 1.
This is how we can run the GUI of Kali Linux installed on AWS. We also can use it on smartphones. Every process will be same, just we need to download the VNC viewer from the app store. We also learn installing VNC viewer or VNC client in Kali Linux.
To know the detailed tutorial about installing Kali Linux on AWS follow this tutorial. Follow our blog for more useful Kali Tutorials. Follow us on Twitter and Medium for updates.
We have a detailed tutorial on how we can install Kali Linux on AWS. But the tutorial doesn't install Kali Linux in graphical User Interface (GUI). That was a command line installation. In today's tutorial we learn how we can install Kali Linux on AWS with GUI.
Here we did not discussing about in installation process, we can read the detailed tutorial here.
With this command line Kali installation we got tightvnc server preinstalled.
Assume we are in the Kali Linux AWS terminal. Let's configure the password of our tightvnc server by using following command:
Then it will prompt for password. Here we can choose a password for our VNC server and verify it. When it asks for view-only password we type n and enter
Now we can't run the VNC server directly from here. We need to exit from the AWS Kali by using exit command:
Now we connect the AWS shh with port forwarding, without port forwarding the VNC server will not work. So the command will be following:-
In the above command 5901 is the port of our VNC server display port 1, if we use display port 2 then we need to choose 5902 port.
That command will open our Kali Linux hosted on Amazon Web Services with 5901 port opened. Then we run the tightvnc server by applying following command:
In the following screenshot we can see that our VNC server started on display port 1.
Now we need a VNC client or viewer to access the VNC server.
To download the VNC viewer we go to this website then we click on download to download the file. Then we go to our Downloads directory and open a terminal there or use following command:
Then we give root permission the script using following command:
Then we run the VNC Viewer using the following command:
VNC Viewer in Kali. Don't look other stuffs. |
Here our Kali is on our localhost so we put the localhost so we the localhost in the place of host name and the display port is 1.
localhost:1Then it will prompt for our password, here we put the password which we choose when we set up the vncserver. Then we are in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of our Kali Linux hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Kali Linux GUI on AWS |
To know the detailed tutorial about installing Kali Linux on AWS follow this tutorial. Follow our blog for more useful Kali Tutorials. Follow us on Twitter and Medium for updates.