This blog is NOT OFFICIAL website of Kali Linux. We just share Tutorials to learn Cybersecurity.

Facebook Account Hacking -- The Best 9 Methods

So, we have searched for Facebook account hacking. Almost all new comer in hacking field wants to hack Facebook or Instagram account or Instagram or others Wi-Fi password, this is the main priority of every noobies. After ending this tutorial we will have a clear idea on Facebook hacking in depth. Not only just about Facebook, this tutorial applies on social media accounts like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc.

Facebook Instagram account hacking

First off all we have to clear the truth that we simply can't hack Facebook or Instagram. But when we search on Google there have a lots of free tools that giving us password of any Facebook user by just typing user's email address. If you tried this kind of tools, then you are not on the general level of stupidity. Congratulations, you have achieved a higher level of stupidity. Come on, if this was so easy then Facebook needs to shut down their business.

fake facebook hacking sites

When some sites or tool says it can hack Facebook passwords by just typing username or e-mail id you should understand that it is fake. They all have some common  things which are following :
  • All have very user-friendly interface. We just need to type user-id and click on hack.
  • Then it will show that the password is successfully cracked, but they will not revel the password.
  • All have links which will lead you to a survey or some annoying ads even may be say to download malicious software.
  • All are 100% not working.
Then what does actually meaning of Facebook hacking. Many of us are mislead by the term of hacking. They think hacking means steal someone's password and gaining unauthorized access but hacking is so much more.
When we try to learn hacking Facebook we need to understand some things how Facebook works means understand the functioning of the website, find about Facebook's database management systems, scripts used, use of cookies, language use to build the website.
Then need to find out vulnerabilities in the the website in our case that is Facebook or Instagram.
Then need to code exploits to break through the obstacles and gain privileges into Facebook's system, using suitable payloads. Then we need to check their database and the passwords will be encrypted in Facebook's own way, we need to decrypt the passwords, then the last step is to set a backdoor for easy access next time, and we must need to clear our traces so that we don't get caught.
Believe us, not everyone can do this, means we read some blogs and learned much things on hacking and Kali Linux, that is not enough for Facebook Hacking. So, the conclusion is that hacking Facebook is a real big deal, not everyone's cup of tea. Even elite level hackers can't do it. Nothing is impossible but hacking Facebook in above way is practically very close to impossible.

But wait, here we are talking like this, but that kid next door claims he can get Facebook password of anyone, and he is good, but not "code a exploit for Facebook" good, no not that kind good. This is where the social engineering steps in.
With time the level of security in technology fields are getting stronger. The encryption has reached to the unbeatable stage with 256 bit encryption, cracking a password will take practically forever (thousands of years). But it is very easy to make fool a human brain.
Humans are the weakest point in any security system.
Humans are normally stupid, not really, a better word would ignorant, they don't aware how stuff works. Most of users have no idea on what Facebook or Instagram is doing for their account's security, and they easily ruin each and everything of Facebook's/Instagram's effort to protect their privacy by their carelessness.
So, how our Facebook or Instagram accounts can be hacked and how we can be safe ?
Here is some Facebook and Instagram hacking method and techniques to be safe.

1. Phishing

Phishing is the most common method to terminate someone's Facebook account. The most popular type of phishing is creating a fake login page, and send the link of page by e-mail or SMS or social media. The login page will look exactly like the Facebook login page.

facebook phishing
Check the URL please. It's not real Facebook

If the victim logs in, the credentials (id and password) will be sent to attacker not in real Facebook. This process is a bit difficult because we need to host a website and create a login page. But some tools really made it kids play. We have some tutorials which makes phishing very easy. Tools like Modlishka can even bypass two factor authentication on a phishing attack. Check following :

How to be safe from Phishing?

  • We should not click on any link through email/website/chatroom or text messages etc.
  • we need to check the link is driving to original Facebook, mean to say check the links is or not. If not and the page is looking like Facebook like the above picture, then this is a phishing page.
  • Sometimes phishing links hided with normal looking genuine links. To know more read our hide phishing URL article.
  • Windows user should use anti-virus and web-security software , like norton or McAfee . Linux user should take care before clicking unknown links.

2. Keylogger

Keyloggers works can be simply understand by it's name. Yes it logs all the key strokes on the keyboard that user makes, without their knowledge. When user types their username and password keyloggers capture it.

hardware keylogger
Hardware Keylogger
Keylogger are generally two types "software keylogger" and "hardware keylogger".
  • Software Keylogger:- Software keylogger is a program has to be download (or send by any way) and install on the the victim's computer or mobile phone. It will automatically start capturing the keystrokes of keyboard. After device turned on this program starts it's work, and runs in background to be undetected. Software keyloggers sends the details of key strokes to the attacker by email.
  • Hardware Keylogger:- The work is same as software keylogger but method is different. Hardware keylogger is a USB/ps2 tool that connects between USB keyboard and  the computer. The USB port of keyboard is plugged with this hardware and then it connects to the computer. It capture and saves the keystrokes in it's inbuilt memory, and attacker need physical access to victim's computer. Some premium hardware keyloggers have Wi-Fi enabled which can email captured keystrokes or can be accessed remotely over Wi-Fi.

How to be safe from Keyloggers ?

  • Use a firewall. Software keyloggers usually send information through the internet, so a firewall will monitor our computer's online activity and find out if anything suspicious.
  • Installing anti-virus or anti-malware is good for windows users to detect software keyloggers.
  • Shouldn't use or download third party programs or apps. It may be embed with malicious apps like keylogger or any other payload.
  • Now this is very easy to be safe from hardware keylogger. We need to be aware for it, that someone could not plant a USB hardware on our computer.

 3. Reset The Password/Recover Account

Resetting the password is the easiest method to hack someone's Facebook account. This will be very easy if the attacker is victim's friend or personally know the victim. Attackers need to know victim's email id, then they click on "Forgot Password" and type victim's email. When the account comes up they click on "This is my account".
Then if it asks to reset the password by the email. This will not work for the attacker. The attacker need to choose "No longer have access to these ?"

Then depending on Facebook's recent policy attacker might need to choose the pictures of friends uploaded or answer the security question or type email that isn't linked any Facebook account.
In this method of Facebook hacking if attacker is a close friend of victim then it will be grate for him. Attacker just need to make an educated guess.

How to be safe from recover account?

  • we should use an fresh email address specially for Facebook account and we never show that email id on Facebook profile. We never publish that email id.
  • When we choose the security question and answer we need to make it difficult that no one can figure it out by know us personally or checking our Facebook posts. No pet names neither anniversaries, not even the names of best teacher. These questions are very easy for guessing and known personalities.

4. Hacking the Email

If the attacker terminate our email address then he can easily access our Facebook account by just resetting our Facebook password.
But how attacker can get into our email address ? By phishing or any other social engineering attacker can get the password of our mail address.

How to be safe from E-mail hacking ?

  • We need a special care at mail id like Facebook accounts.
  • Using a special email for Facebook would be batter. We shouldn't tell anyone our that email id.

5. Easy Passwords

Peoples are getting smarter, now these days very few people choose 12345678 or 00000000 as password. But for easily remember they choose easy passwords, like birthday, old or current mobile numbers, nicknames. These type of passwords are very easily hacked.

How to be safe from easy passwords?

  • First we should choose an uncommon password. A perfect password will be 13 characters long or more, it must contains some upper case and lower case letters and some numbers and one or more special character like @, *, #, ? etc. Here is a beautiful guidance on choosing secure passwords Click Here.
  • We should not write down our password or any personal information anywhere, some hackers check dustbins for personal information.

6. Man in the Middle

If attacker get close to his target, he can use man in the middle attack (MITM) by creating a free fake Wi-Fi network, When target connects with his network attacker can steal credentials. Tools like Wi-Fi Pumpkin makes easy to creating rouge Wi-Fi access point.

Man-In-The-Middle Image Copyright
Once victim connects to that Wi-Fi attacker can inspect the data packets sends and receives between Facebook and the user. Because all data is trafficking through attackers Wi-Fi. Tools like Wireshark and Ettercap may helps a lot.

How to be safe from MITM ?

  • Don't connect to any open and unsecured Wi-Fi networks.
  • Don't connect to any network that are out of place. May be we can see "Google Starbucks" when there is no Starbucks near. Attacker knows that our devices will connects automatically to our used same named networks.
  • If we got trouble connecting ton our own Wi-Fi, then we need to look at our Wi-Fi list of nearby, If there are any copy of our Wi-Fi network, it might be the attacker using Evil-Twin or any other same types of attacks.
  • If our router asks to enter password for firmware upgrade then it might be someone trying to get our credentials. How attackers are able to do it ? Read our this tutorial.

7. Looking for Passwords

Our Facebook can be hacked if someone who is peeping from behind, watching us type our passwords.
Another way of looking password is checking the victim's personal computer physically. A common man always saves the username and the password in the browser in his personal computer for easy access next time, but the password can be seen very easily if attacker have access to victim's personal computer. Attacker will check the advanced settings and privacy section of the browser.

How to be safe from this?

  • Be careful while typing passwords, is anyone looking at our keyboard or is there any camera behind ?
  • If we are saving our credentials in browser then we need to make our personal computer personal, for better result we recommend to not save password in browser because they also can be stolen remotely by using malicious web apps.
  • Stay away from typing our password on public place or logging our social media account on public device (like cybercafe etc).

8. Low Security Websites

Here the question comes how our Facebook account can be hacked by a low security website ?  Again we need to scan human's brain. Most of common internet user have accounts in multiple websites. To remember passwords easily users use same passwords everywhere.
Here is a chance if any old (not updated) or low security website's database got hacked then the attacker can try those hacked passwords to log in our Facebook account.

How to be safe from low security websites?

  • Choose different passwords for different websites.
  • Must choose an unique long password for e-mail, Facebook and other social media.

9. Viruses or Malware

Some times in our devices such as phone and computer may be infected with malicious software like virus, malwares or spywares. These types of apps sends our all saved passwords and cookies in browsers to the hacker. In this way our accounts can be terminated.

How to be safe from viruses?

  • We should not download 3rd party applications, because hackers can bind a malicious application in a normal looking application. We should always download from the official app store.
  • We should not click on any suspicious link.
  • If we are using Windows PC then we should buy a good antivirus, anti-spyware, antimalware for our computer, and keep updating it.

So, this is how our Facebook account got hacked. From this tutorial we learned how to be safe, and Facebook hacking is very easy if the user is careless. There are some zero day hacking. Great hackers able to find vulnerabilities in Facebook or Instagram but we don't need care for this. Facebook developers will fix it as soon as possible. Zero day attackers normally targets the celebrates because zero day attacks is the code exploit attacks that we talked on the starting of this tutorial. This type of hacks needs high end skills and hard works, for this they normally don't choose normal users they targets well known personalities or celebs.

We need to make our Facebook stronger. Follow our provided steps and be safe from Facebook hacking.

This tutorial is for new learners who is new in this field. Everyone should have an clear idea how Facebook, Instagram and other social media account can be hacked and how to be safe. This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Hacking Facebook, Instagram or any other account is a serious crime. If anyone do any illegal activity then we are not responsible for that.
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For anything we always happy to help everyone on the comment section. As we know our comment section is always open to everyone. We read each and every comment and we always reply.

Kali Linux


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  • Unknown photo
    UnknownJuly 31, 2019 at 12:27 PM

    perfect writing. all in one THANKS. this will save my life.

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    • ETHAN MACEN photo
      ETHAN MACENOctober 25, 2021 at 9:17 PM

      I wanted to hack my wife iPhone but I didn’t have physical access to her iPhone I bought a spy app only to realize I have to install the app on her iPhone I have physical access to her iPhone, since I didn’t have physical access to her iPhone, I discuss the issues with my friend that introduced me to ethical hacker, who help me get access remotely to her iPhone without her knowing anything about it, it’s great job. You are also interested in hacking any kind of stuff. You can contact gmail via:, or WhatsApp him +1219-796-0574

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      • ETHAN MACEN photo
        ETHAN MACENOctober 25, 2021 at 9:19 PM

        I got access to my husband’s mobile phone through the help of Mr Henry . He helped me in Hacking my husband’s iPhone and i got all his text messages, call details, WhatsApp details, Facebook messenger. I’m so sad he is cheating on me. I’m sending all evidence to my lawyer.
        Contact him via his mail – Henryclarkethicalhacker @
        Call, text or WhatsApp +1219-796-0574
        Thank you Hailey.

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        • ETHAN MACEN photo
          ETHAN MACENOctober 25, 2021 at 9:22 PM

          Do you want a QUICK hack service? Have you been failing your courses in school and want to UPGRADE YOUR SCHOOL SCORES AND GRADES? Learn what’s makes the clever ones know with just a learnable tips. University grades hack • Bank account hacks • Control devices remotely hack • Email Hacking • Facebook Hacking Tricks • Gmail Hacking Tricks • untraceable IP • Verified Paypal Accounts hack • Wipe criminal record • Paypal, MasterCard hack • IP Address • IPhone Hacking Tricks • KEYLOGGER • Twitter Hacking • Windows Hacking Tricks • YouTube Hacking Tricks.hacking contact him, +1972-914-0392. Whatsapp, +1219-796-0574, email,

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          • BEN photo
            BENJuly 20, 2022 at 4:29 AM

            Bitcoin Scams are becoming more sophisticated and many people fall victim to them. This can be very upsetting, but don’t feel ashamed —  if you’ve been the victim of a bitcoin scam or any cryptocurrency scam and it’s important to report it and get the help you need. There is a new Agency set by the Government to help people recover their stolen funds from scammers if you have ever been a victim of scam and you wish to recover your Money please contact : ALLMYFUNDSRECOVERY@GMAIL.COM

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          • Unknown photo
            UnknownJuly 31, 2019 at 12:28 PM

            perfect writing. all in one THANKS. this will save my life.

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            • ETHAN MACEN photo
              ETHAN MACENOctober 25, 2021 at 9:23 PM

              Do you need a hacker? Do you need to access your partner's email to keep track of him? As a parent, would you like to know what your kids are doing on social media every day (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, WeChat and other things to make sure you don't have problems? Banking, Cash Flow, Criminal dossier, DMV) Tax, call him and he'll do the job. He is a professional hacker with years of experience. Write to him through, or Whatsapp+1219-796-0574 for, assistance.....

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            • Technical Dada photo
              Technical DadaAugust 3, 2019 at 5:29 PM

              Thanks for the detailed post. I read every article of KaliLinux.In. This tutorial will save my Facebook account and me

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              • Unknown photo
                UnknownAugust 29, 2021 at 5:43 AM


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                • Umesh Rawal photo
                  Umesh RawalApril 21, 2022 at 1:01 AM

                  I have forgotten my fb password and there is no email acossisted with this account. Will you plz help me to recover my fb account 😪😥😪😥

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                  • mustafahackers photo
                    mustafahackersJuly 16, 2022 at 1:51 AM

                    you can contact +19374909686 on WhatsApp for any kind of hacking services, they're the best in the market i must say..,,

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                  • Unknown photo
                    UnknownAugust 4, 2019 at 6:24 PM

                    I always wait for your article. You are very knowledgeable in your field. Thanks for your this detailed post. This will save me and my Facebook account.

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                    • Sohail Mehndi photo
                      Sohail MehndiAugust 5, 2019 at 9:30 PM


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                      • Dad Did photo
                        Dad DidAugust 7, 2019 at 6:13 AM

                        Thank you sir

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                      • BestPhoneUnder10k photo
                        BestPhoneUnder10kAugust 15, 2019 at 8:17 PM

                        what an post sir. Other hacking blogs is not for beginners. Your language is very simple, easy to understand. Keep going.

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                      • Unknown photo
                        UnknownSeptember 13, 2019 at 4:02 PM

                        Sir, I am not a spammer. Seriously talking that your post is awesome.

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                        • AnonymousOctober 18, 2019 at 1:07 PM

                          Yah everything is 100% true

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                          • Unknown photo
                            UnknownOctober 27, 2019 at 9:55 PM


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                            • AnonymousFebruary 19, 2020 at 10:12 PM

                              i want to ask admin whether he is from bengal or not?

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                            • Unknown photo
                              UnknownMarch 9, 2020 at 5:51 PM

                              Nice article boss

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                              • Unknown photo
                                UnknownMarch 11, 2020 at 2:52 PM

                                Have readed all your posts.. Such nice articles

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                                • Kevin Horgan photo
                                  Kevin HorganMarch 26, 2020 at 3:19 PM

                                  Is it possible to intercept cell phone transmissions via an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV, carefully rerouting the call to a centralized system without the individual cell phone user or smart phone user realizing what is going on?  this link

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                                  • Smith photo
                                    SmithApril 8, 2020 at 1:58 AM

                                    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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                                    • Unknown photo
                                      UnknownFebruary 13, 2021 at 4:38 PM

                                      I want to hack someone Facebook accounts plzz help me

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                                    • Darkweb photo
                                      DarkwebApril 19, 2020 at 5:42 AM

                                      Wenn Sie einen qualifizierten professionellen Hacker brauchen, der wird
                                      Ihre Arbeit effizient erledigt Mit einer schnellen und schnellen Antwort haben Sie sich getroffen
                                      die richtigen Hacker WEBDARK115@GMAIL.COM. Wir sind eine Gruppe deutscher Hacker aus dem Dark Web.
                                      ANONYMITÄT: Es ist uns egal, wer du bist. Der Grund, warum wir eingestellt werden, ist zu
                                      Erledige einfach deine Arbeit. Wir engagieren uns diskret, um das Ziel anzugreifen
                                      Halten Sie sie von dem Hack unbewusst.
                                      UNSERE HACKING-FÄHIGKEITEN: Kein Job ist zu groß oder zu klein oder zu schwierig.
                                      Es gibt eine Reihe von Personen, die ihre Ziel-E-Mail-ID knacken müssen
                                      aus vielen Gründen wie Ehemann betrügt Frau oder Frau betrügt weiter
                                      Ehemann, Freundin betrügt Freund oder umgekehrt. Oder wichtig
                                      Informationen mussten von der Ziel-E-Mail-Adresse oder für
                                      aus welchem ​​Grund auch immer Sie Ihre Ziel-E-Mail hacken möchten (Google Mail, Hotmail,
                                      Ausblick, yahoomail usw.). Oder wenn Sie eine private Domain hacken möchten
                                      E-Mail-Konto (geschäftliche E-Mail), Facebook, Twitter, kontaktieren Sie uns. Wirklich
                                      Wir geben immer eine 100% ige Garantie auf jeden Job, den wir eingestellt haben
                                      denn weil wir in der Vergangenheit in all meinen Jobs immer erfolgreich waren
                                      Jahre und unsere Kunden können das bezeugen. Um etwas zu hacken, braucht es Zeit
                                      Wir können jedoch schnell auf Ihren Job reagieren, je nachdem, wie
                                      schnell und dringend brauchen Sie. Die Zeit hängt auch davon ab, was genau Sie wollen
                                      zu hacken und wie ernst du bist. Genug Zeit mit Social Engineering
                                      wird zum Hacken benötigt. Also, wenn Sie mich in kurzer Zeit binden wollen,
                                      dann kontaktiere mich einfach nicht, weil ich nicht in einem hacken kann
                                      Stunde, * sorry *. Grundsätzlich hängt die Zeit von Ihrem Glück ab. Wenn es viel Glück ist,
                                      dann ist es möglich innerhalb einer stunde zu hacken aber wenn es in der anderen ist
                                      Umher würde es einige Stunden dauern. Ich habe FAKE HACKERS behaupten sehen
                                      Sie können in einer Stunde hacken, aber es gibt keinen REAL HACKER, der das sagen kann
                                      dies (VERMEIDEN SIE SIE). Wenn Ihr Zielkonto Facebook, MySpace,
                                      Twitter, sexuelle Konten oder andere soziale Konten usw., oder Sie möchten
                                      Hacken Sie sich in ein Smartphone, damit Sie dessen Anrufe überwachen und lesen können
                                      ihre Nachrichten, Chats und Aktivitäten in sozialen Konten ohne ihre
                                      Beachten Sie, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren und wir hätten ein gutes Angebot! ich werde
                                      Erkläre dir, wie ich die Arbeit erledigen werde. HACKEN EINER WEBSITE
                                      Vielleicht möchten viele Leute ihre Zielwebsite für ihre hacken
                                      persönliche Gründe oder Interesse. Wir sind mehr als erfahren und
                                      erfahren darin, Websites zu hacken und Zugriff auf die Datenbank zu erhalten. Es kann sein
                                      für Datenbankzugriff, Datenbankspeicherauszug, Zugriff auf eine bestimmte
                                      Informationen, Verunstaltung, möchten Sie vielleicht, dass ich mich in die Gerichtsdatenbank hacke
                                      und Löschen Sie Ihre Strafregister, vielleicht aus politischen Gründen oder
                                      Konkurrenzunternehmen usw. Es ist uns egal, welche Art von Website Sie geben
                                      mich zum Pen-Test. Ist es hoch oder niedrig oder mittel, ich
                                      werde mein Möglichstes tun. Sie können uns für jede andere Art von kontaktieren
                                      "Entführung und Angriffe". Unsere Hacking-Services sind unbegrenzt. Kontaktieren Sie uns
                                      jetzt unter WEBDARK115@GMAIL.COM, z
                                      Ihre endlosen Möglichkeiten.

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                                      • Unknown photo
                                        UnknownApril 24, 2020 at 9:52 PM

                                        PlPlease help me I can't access my old account because I have lost my recovery email as well as number and I have forget it's password please hack it

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                                        • soffylove photo
                                          soffyloveApril 27, 2020 at 9:44 PM

                                          I'm pleased to recommend BILL, a private hacker for any hacking related issues of your interest. I got in contact with him when i was having problems with my cheating husband and needed help in getting evidence against him in court, Bill helped me hack into my husband's phone and in no time i started seeing his chats and messages, call records including access to his recently deleted conversations... I''m so glad i got in contact with Bill, He is also into various jobs such as Facebook hacking, whats-app hacking, phone hacking, snapchat, Instagram, we-chat, phone text messages, hangouts and so on.. You can contact him by email: billhackwizard @ gmail .com, text him on: +1(314) 230-8385, you can also chat him up on whats-app:- +1(314) 635 7319., you should contact him today and see for yourself, remember to tell him Sofia referred you.

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                                          • AnonymousMay 6, 2020 at 6:21 PM


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                                            • AnonymousJune 15, 2020 at 12:27 AM


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                                              • Johnson Hack photo
                                                Johnson HackJune 26, 2020 at 11:20 AM

                                                I just couldn't leave your website before telling you that I truly enjoyed the top quality info you present to your visitors? Will be back again frequently to check up on new posts.

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                                                • AnonymousJuly 19, 2020 at 9:13 PM

                                                  does it work?

                                                  Delete Comment
                                                  • AnonymousJuly 19, 2020 at 9:14 PM

                                                    does method 2 work

                                                    Delete Comment
                                                    • Kali Linux photo
                                                      Kali LinuxJuly 19, 2020 at 11:43 PM

                                                      Yes, method 2 means phishing is still a popular method. But in this case the attacker will try to make fool the victim (for everything looks like normal), by social engineering.

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                                                    • rashamelia photo
                                                      rashameliaSeptember 6, 2020 at 2:09 AM

                                                      i was in need of a hacker to spy at my cheating spouse on-till i went online and found this great hacker named Amir khan on whatsapp +19193464965 who helped me hack into his cell phone under 24 hours and i got results of hIS whats-app messages,call log,text messages,deleted text messages,Facebook and many more this hacker is real and his services are cheap and affordable contact him am sure he will help you

                                                      Delete Comment
                                                      • Unknown photo
                                                        UnknownSeptember 11, 2020 at 7:02 AM


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                                                        • Unknown photo
                                                          UnknownSeptember 18, 2020 at 1:28 PM

                                                          Admin chat me private please

                                                          Delete Comment
                                                          • Unknown photo
                                                            UnknownOctober 28, 2020 at 1:12 PM

                                                            Please help me who halp me

                                                            Delete Comment
                                                            • Kali Linux photo
                                                              Kali LinuxOctober 28, 2020 at 5:12 PM

                                                              Can you please explain your problem please? We will happy to help.

                                                              Delete Comment
                                                            • Unknown photo
                                                              UnknownNovember 1, 2020 at 10:46 AM


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                                                              • Unknown photo
                                                                UnknownDecember 29, 2020 at 2:19 PM


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                                                                • rinku photo
                                                                  rinkuMay 16, 2021 at 1:59 PM

                                                                  Vai Valo lagce... Carry on bro

                                                                  Delete Comment
                                                                • Unknown photo
                                                                  UnknownMay 25, 2021 at 5:08 AM

                                                                  i'm recommending this team of expert '' sparrohacker@gmail .com '' because of late my husband has been so glued to his phone , taking it everywhere and answering all such of calls at odd hours and that was so suspicious . i started wondering about him having someone else and i started feeling so jealousy with such a heavy heart..
                                                                  With Z-team, i was able to see everything on his phone without him knowing about it , and fortunately for me I could view everything on his phone.. you can contact him via whatsapp/text +1 661 379 7249

                                                                  Delete Comment
                                                                  • Unknown photo
                                                                    UnknownJune 2, 2021 at 8:04 AM

                                                                    Secrecy and dishonesty are major indications that spouse may be having an affair. If your spouse is secretive about his or her whereabouts, activities, computer usage or phone usage, you may have cause for concern. If your spouse’s secrecy is often coupled with dishonesty, regarding his or her activities, your spouse may be engaging in an extramarital affair. No matter how seemingly small the deception, deceit is a red flag that something is amiss in your relationship. rush and contact whatsApp +1(774)549-8610 to help you hack and access your spouse phone and all the necessary access to his/her private life. is great hacker he will help you..

                                                                    Delete Comment
                                                                    • Unknown photo
                                                                      UnknownJuly 13, 2021 at 10:49 AM

                                                                      can anyone recover my facebook account

                                                                      Delete Comment
                                                                    • Unknown photo
                                                                      UnknownAugust 8, 2021 at 2:58 PM

                                                                      I had someone making all sorts of bad comments on my business website, and this was really frustrating
                                                                      As I was loosing customers whenever they go through my comment section. I read about a hacker who is specialized in removing unwanted items, links , photos etc from google and other platforms. I contacted him and to my surprise he came through, He removed all the bad comments and now I can smile again . If you need anything removed from any social media platform I will advice you contact: linkterminator007 at programmer . Net

                                                                      Delete Comment
                                                                      • Unknown photo
                                                                        UnknownAugust 11, 2021 at 7:03 AM

                                                                        I noticed my partners attitude changed as he was going to corners to receive calls and always chatting with a mushy smile on his face. I got more furious when he stopped spending quality time with me and decided to hire a private hacker I read good reviews about on a website. He remotely got me access to my ex partners phone and I was able to view all contents on his phone I found out he had a dating app where he hooks up with different girls and in numerous hotels. I viewed all the contents in his whatsapp and Facebook messages by the help of (ACETEAM @

                                                                        Delete Comment
                                                                        • Unknown photo
                                                                          UnknownOctober 25, 2021 at 4:02 PM

                                                                          If you intend to upgrade your school grades or get a university degree, you should contact the right person for this type of service. When I wanted to graduate my grades were pretty low then I had to contact :
                                                                          Aceteamhackers (at) gmail com ,and he improved them within 1 week . His services were 100% professional and till date nobody knew how I graduated with an excellent result .

                                                                          Delete Comment
                                                                          • Unknown photo
                                                                            UnknownNovember 3, 2021 at 5:04 AM

                                                                            I strongly recommend the service of a great hacker to you and his email is
                                                                            (ACETEAMHACKERS at GMAIL dot COM), I and my friends have used him a couple of times and he has never disappointed us. They can get access into any Facebook account, instagram account, whatsapp, email and they also remove items from google search. If you need a professional and reliable hacker then contact ACETEAM today.

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                                                                            • Mozell R Robinson photo
                                                                              Mozell R RobinsonNovember 5, 2021 at 4:19 AM

                                                                              CONTACT:( We are best when it comes to hacking our services include: 1. School Grades Change 2. Drivers License 3. Hack email 4.
                                                                              Database hack 5. Facebook, Whatsapp 6. Hack Call Logs, 7. Retrieve messages, deleted data and recovery of messages, bitcoins hack and recovery lost funds
                                                                              on cell phone 8. Crediting , Money Transfer and other various activies 9. Sales of Dumps, Dead drops and fresh CC We
                                                                              also sell high grades techs and hacking chips and gadgets if you are interested in Spying on anyone. We sell software,
                                                                              apps for hacking service. Your security is 100% guarantee and we have testimonies all around the world.We get your job done without any disappointment.
                                                                              Interested parties can reach us at ( whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

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                                                                              • AnonymousMay 11, 2022 at 10:40 AM

                                                                                Hi, I know some guys that did some Hacking Jobs for me some weeks ago, they are Web Ghost Hackers
                                                                                you can contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                They are set of proffessional Ghost hackers that specialise in
                                                                                - Recover Stolen Bitcoin & other crypto currency.
                                                                                - Loading Bitcoin (BTC), ETH and TBC, they upload your Bitcoin Wallet, which they will share with you 50/50. If interested WhatsApp them +4479201126751
                                                                                - they hack all I.C.T, mobile gadgets, Android, Iphones and Icloud passwords at affordable prices.
                                                                                - they Hack University Database changes grades and Guestbook upgrades without the knowledge of the school.
                                                                                - clear criminal records
                                                                                - General Hacking of Facebook login details and increase likes and comments, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Yahoo mail, Skype, hack and delete Youtube video or increase views, Gmail, Outlook Hack etc.
                                                                                - they are database hack experts, computer analyst and consultant, school transfer and certificate forgery. Hack Paypal Accounts.
                                                                                - they Hack Bank Logins, Money Transfer, Dead fullz, Hack Western Union & MoneyGram, Credit Transfer, clear credit records, Erase Criminal records, Repair Credit Report.
                                                                                - they Verify accounts for transfer and bank logins
                                                                                - Al types of general hacking..
                                                                                - Get Pegasus Spyware.

                                                                                Note: THEY WILL SHOW YOU PROOF before you pay. they have recently hacked a U.S bank account to transfer money to an interested person.
                                                                                Note: Only serious request. remember to tell them i referred you, so i can get my referral bonus when your job is done, you can thank me later.
                                                                                Contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                They restored my happiness back to me and made me smile again in front of my parents and the government, contact them today and you will be glad you did...

                                                                                Delete Comment
                                                                                • AnonymousMay 11, 2022 at 10:41 AM

                                                                                  Hi, I know some guys that did some Hacking Jobs for me some weeks ago, they are Web Ghost Hackers
                                                                                  you can contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                  WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                  They are set of proffessional Ghost hackers that specialise in
                                                                                  - Recover Stolen Bitcoin & other crypto currency.
                                                                                  - Loading Bitcoin (BTC), ETH and TBC, they upload your Bitcoin Wallet, which they will share with you 50/50. If interested WhatsApp them +4479201126751
                                                                                  - they hack all I.C.T, mobile gadgets, Android, Iphones and Icloud passwords at affordable prices.
                                                                                  - they Hack University Database changes grades and Guestbook upgrades without the knowledge of the school.
                                                                                  - clear criminal records
                                                                                  - General Hacking of Facebook login details and increase likes and comments, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Yahoo mail, Skype, hack and delete Youtube video or increase views, Gmail, Outlook Hack etc.
                                                                                  - they are database hack experts, computer analyst and consultant, school transfer and certificate forgery. Hack Paypal Accounts.
                                                                                  - they Hack Bank Logins, Money Transfer, Dead fullz, Hack Western Union & MoneyGram, Credit Transfer, clear credit records, Erase Criminal records, Repair Credit Report.
                                                                                  - they Verify accounts for transfer and bank logins
                                                                                  - Al types of general hacking..
                                                                                  - Get Pegasus Spyware.

                                                                                  Note: THEY WILL SHOW YOU PROOF before you pay. they have recently hacked a U.S bank account to transfer money to an interested person.
                                                                                  Note: Only serious request. remember to tell them i referred you, so i can get my referral bonus when your job is done, you can thank me later.,.
                                                                                  Contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                  WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                  They restored my happiness back to me and made me smile again in front of my parents and the government, contact them today and you will be glad you did...

                                                                                  Delete Comment
                                                                                  • AnonymousMay 11, 2022 at 10:41 AM

                                                                                    Hi, I know some guys that did some Hacking Jobs for me some weeks ago, they are Web Ghost Hackers
                                                                                    you can contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                    WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                    They are set of proffessional Ghost hackers that specialise in
                                                                                    - Recover Stolen Bitcoin & other crypto currency.
                                                                                    - Loading Bitcoin (BTC), ETH and TBC, they upload your Bitcoin Wallet, which they will share with you 50/50. If interested WhatsApp them +4479201126751
                                                                                    - they hack all I.C.T, mobile gadgets, Android, Iphones and Icloud passwords at affordable prices.
                                                                                    - they Hack University Database changes grades and Guestbook upgrades without the knowledge of the school.
                                                                                    - clear criminal records
                                                                                    - General Hacking of Facebook login details and increase likes and comments, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Yahoo mail, Skype, hack and delete Youtube video or increase views, Gmail, Outlook Hack etc.
                                                                                    - they are database hack experts, computer analyst and consultant, school transfer and certificate forgery. Hack Paypal Accounts.
                                                                                    - they Hack Bank Logins, Money Transfer, Dead fullz, Hack Western Union & MoneyGram, Credit Transfer, clear credit records, Erase Criminal records, Repair Credit Report.
                                                                                    - they Verify accounts for transfer and bank logins
                                                                                    - Al types of general hacking..
                                                                                    - Get Pegasus Spyware.

                                                                                    Note: THEY WILL SHOW YOU PROOF before you pay. they have recently hacked a U.S bank account to transfer money to an interested person.
                                                                                    Note: Only serious request. remember to tell them i referred you, so i can get my referral bonus when your job is done, you can thank me later.,
                                                                                    Contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                    WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                    They restored my happiness back to me and made me smile again in front of my parents and the government, contact them today and you will be glad you did...

                                                                                    Delete Comment
                                                                                    • AnonymousMay 11, 2022 at 10:41 AM

                                                                                      Hi, I know some guys that did some Hacking Jobs for me some weeks ago, they are Web Ghost Hackers
                                                                                      you can contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                      WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                      They are set of proffessional Ghost hackers that specialise in
                                                                                      - Recover Stolen Bitcoin & other crypto currency.
                                                                                      - Loading Bitcoin (BTC), ETH and TBC, they upload your Bitcoin Wallet, which they will share with you 50/50. If interested WhatsApp them +4479201126751
                                                                                      - they hack all I.C.T, mobile gadgets, Android, Iphones and Icloud passwords at affordable prices.
                                                                                      - they Hack University Database changes grades and Guestbook upgrades without the knowledge of the school.
                                                                                      - clear criminal records
                                                                                      - General Hacking of Facebook login details and increase likes and comments, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Yahoo mail, Skype, hack and delete Youtube video or increase views, Gmail, Outlook Hack etc.
                                                                                      - they are database hack experts, computer analyst and consultant, school transfer and certificate forgery. Hack Paypal Accounts.
                                                                                      - they Hack Bank Logins, Money Transfer, Dead fullz, Hack Western Union & MoneyGram, Credit Transfer, clear credit records, Erase Criminal records, Repair Credit Report.
                                                                                      - they Verify accounts for transfer and bank logins
                                                                                      - Al types of general hacking..
                                                                                      - Get Pegasus Spyware.

                                                                                      Note: THEY WILL SHOW YOU PROOF before you pay. they have recently hacked a U.S bank account to transfer money to an interested person.
                                                                                      Note: Only serious request. remember to tell them i referred you, so i can get my referral bonus when your job is done, you can thank me later.,.,..,,.,.
                                                                                      Contact them at: BITCOINHACKERS7@GMAIL.COM
                                                                                      WhatsApp: +447920112675
                                                                                      They restored my happiness back to me and made me smile again in front of my parents and the government, contact them today and you will be glad you did...

                                                                                      Delete Comment
                                                                                      • jgoodnesss12 photo
                                                                                        jgoodnesss12July 15, 2022 at 4:16 PM

                                                                                        I am not the first to recommend him because his recommendations can be seen everywhere but I am doing this because I am very happy, I am very happy because I made the right choice and that right choice is me chosen to follow my instincts and go with the good reviews i saw about Fred hacker, believe, if it's not for that choice i made i would have still been in a very toxic relationship with my ex partner who was a serial cheat but all that is gone now thanks to Mr. Fred everyone deserves happiness that includes you so to get that happiness you deserve I reckon. contact the best in the game for spying and gaining access into phone remotely without having the device on your hands contact email ; and you can text, call and whatsapp him on +1-423)641 1452

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                                                                                        • AnonymousJuly 15, 2022 at 5:56 PM

                                                                                          I know an organization who have private investigators for hire who can help you get into your spouse’s phones,emails remotely from your phone they can also help you with your
                                                                                          * credit score
                                                                                          * clearing of criminal record
                                                                                          *increasing of school grades and any thing that has to do with hacking etc
                                                                                          You can confirm for yourself from their email so you can also give your testimony
                                                                                          Whatsapp No: +14106350697

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                                                                                          • mustafahackers photo
                                                                                            mustafahackersJuly 16, 2022 at 1:50 AM

                                                                                            you can contact +19374909686 on WhatsApp for any kind of hacking services, they're the best in the market i must say..,

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                                                                                            • AnonymousJuly 16, 2022 at 2:54 PM

                                                                                              It is heartbreaking and very disappointing to feel not loved and appreciated enough because if you are loved and appreciated enough by your partner there will be no need for him to cheat and give any attention to any woman other than yourself, I felt this way for so many years without knowing what to do and I couldn't leave him because there was no concrete evidence to back up the feelings I had and none of my families believed me when I told them I think my husband was seeing someone else so I was determined to prove it, I went searching online on how to hack or spy my husband phone without him knowing then I saw a lot of people recommending Fred hacker as the best in the game well I wasted no time in contacting via on and you can call/text/whatsapp him on +14236411452 and he gave me full access to his phone I was able to get the evidence needed to divorce him please don't waste time being unhappy

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                                                                                              • AnonymousJanuary 2, 2023 at 12:52 PM


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                                                                                                • Judith Ansten photo
                                                                                                  Judith AnstenMarch 29, 2023 at 7:06 PM

                                                                                                  Astraweb is the best hacking service when it comes to upgrading your school/college grades. I was referred to this hacker by my friend in the medical school who has been using Astraweb to upgrade his grades, this efficient and trustworthy hacker specializes in any hack, from mobile hacks to unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your spouse/partner account, phone access. Astraweb is a group of professional hackers, that can efficiently access any information on the internet and provide you with unlimited access to that information. If you wish to employ the service of AstraWeb, you can contact them by their Email: AstraWeb@cyberdude . com

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                                                                                                  • frankvictoria photo
                                                                                                    frankvictoriaMay 12, 2023 at 5:23 PM

                                                                                                    cgbbbbb bbb

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                                                                                                    • AnonymousJuly 17, 2023 at 6:23 AM

                                                                                                      so good

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                                                                                                      • AnonymousJuly 31, 2024 at 9:59 AM

                                                                                                        I have every reason to do what I had to do if you were in my shoes! I couldn't take it any longer. I had spent over a thousand dollars on medication she couldn't stop. he was a drug addict i realized a bit late through his text messages and recent call records to different hard drug dealers. he had gotten to the point of selling them for a living and i noticed he is always spending lavishly and never thought of our kids and I thought that was enough until he brought a woman to our bed while i was away to satisfy his sexual urge. I got all the information I needed from him through the great services of fredvalcyberghost @gma and you can text,call and whatsapp him on +15177981808 or +19782951763 and I wouldn't have known if I didn't take this good step. I ended it when we got to court with the concrete evidence I got!. I am happy to live a life without his unnecessary acts ADDRESS :1525 Newton St NW Washington DC 20010

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