Metasploit Framework comes with all new AntiVirus evasion module in their 5.0 update. By using this method penetration testers can bypass common antivirus products. In this update of Metasploit brings many new database, libraries but the evasion module is the most attractive feature. In this post we are going to learn how to use this.
First of all we need metasploit 5.0 or up in our Kali Linux environment.Open metasploit by using msfconsole command:
This will open metasploit framework.
Check it's version if it is v5.x.x then you can check it have some exploits, auxiliary, payloads with 2 evasion.
If you are running a lower version of metasploits then you need to upgrade it by using following command:
Have you done upgrading ?? Now start the postgresql database service by using following command:
Then open metasploit using msfconsole.
Now we use following command to see the evasion modules:
Screenshot of the command is below:
In this tutorial we are going to use the windows/windows_defender_exe by using following command:
The screenshot is following:
Now we check the information of this evasion by using following command:
Screenshot of the command is following:
Now we set the file name for the evasive exe file. We do this by using following command:
You can choose any file name. Screenshot is following:
Now we need to choose the type of payload, we use the meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload by using following command:
The following screenshot is the output of preceding command:
Now set the LHOST by using following command:
We need to type our IP address as the LHOST. We are doing this on our local system so we use our local IP address. Screenshot is following:
Then we set the LPORT and open that port of our router by using port forwarding. We set the port 4444 by using following command:
Now all set, we generate the exe file by using run command :
The screenshot is following:
As we can see that our exe file has been generated in the /root/.msf4/local directory.
Now quit from metasploit by using exit command.
Then open it again by using msfconsole.
Then create listener by using following command:
Then set the type of payload by using following command:
Set LHOST and LPORT again by using following command:
The screenshot is following:
Then just type exploit command to start the listener
The screenshot is following:
Now we need to install this exe file in any target windows system and then we got the metrepreter session. That's all