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FireWalk -- Network Security Tool

The firewalk tool is an active reconnaissance network security tool that helps us to figure out what level 4 protocols will pass or deny in our router or firewall. It attempts to scan what protocols will allow and what it will block.

This tool is Really very useful during pentest to check firewalls in a corporate environment.

Firewalk is not pre-installed in Kali Linux's newer versions but we don't need to to clone from github this tool available in Kali Linux repository so open terminal and type following command to update our Kali.
apt-get update
After updating complete we will need to install our this tutorials tool firewalk. This is also very easy. Type following command in terminal window :

apt install firewalk

After installation process complete we are going to run this tool. We can use following command to run filewalk:

firewalk -S 1-23 -i eth0
I have tested this in my own system and the screenshot is this command is following :

In the above command -S is for specifying the port numbers we want to test and -i is for specifying the interface of network like wlan0 eth0 etc.

To check other option of this tool run following command in terminal window.

firewalk -h
Kali Linux


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